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胡 hu

Home Pinyin hu

二胡 èrhú erhu

黑胡椒 hēi hújiāo black pepper

胡扯 húchě baloney; waffle

胡话 húhuà eyewash

胡椒 hújiāo pepper; peppery

胡锦涛 hújǐntāo hu jintao

胡乱 húluàn casually; haphazardly

胡萝卜 húluóbo carrot

胡萝卜素 húluóbo sù carotene

胡闹 húnào horseplay; horsing; monkey; monkeying

胡平 húpíng whooping

胡说 húshuō drivel; nonsense; raves

胡说八道 húshuō bādào nonsense

胡思乱想 húsīluànxiǎng have a bee in one's bonnet

胡桃 hútáo pecan

胡同 hútóng alleyway

胡同 hútòng alley

胡须 húxū beards; clean-shaven

胡子 húzǐ beard; bearded

胡子 húzi moustache

老胡 lǎo hú old hu

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